
Paula grew up between the “walls of Berlin”
She first approached the art world within the family universe of Margot Trierweiler, Renata and Alexander Camaro
She studied in Berlin and Pennsylvania

Work experience and studies :
Metalworking workshops, stage design and costumes at the Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer and Lehniner Platz, Burgakademie Salzburg,
Fine arts studies at the ERG, St.Luc, Brussels, specialysing in etching at the académie Goetz Daderian, Paris ; fine arts degree at the National School of Beaux Arts in Perpigan 1990. Scholarship for the Berlin Art School, 1991

She’s worked as an indepent artist since then, has 2 sons, lives and works with the metalworking designer Paul Duc in Le Vigan, in the Cevennes in the south of France.
Since 1981 she had varoius exhibitions in Germany, Belgium and France.

Fields of work :
Stage design and costumes, contemporary jewelry, artistic decoration of interior spaces, various pedagogic art- and art therapy projects with schools and art galleries,
organisation of art-symposium, event and urban scenography ;
Since 1993 she’s build and runs an artistic place with a guest house and artist’s residence in Le Vigan, France. She is a co-initiator and since 2009 an active member of the Camaro-foundation, Berlin.

Since 2019: expertises for “Les Balcons de l’Aigoual”, annual Landart events with Parc national des Cévenens and the Filature du Mazel. Several participations in collective exhibitions in Berlin with the  Association of Berlin Women Artists 1867 (VdBK 1867). Artistic direction of the foundation Alexander and Renata Camaro, in Berlin.

Painting, assemblage und etching, fresco, installation and video

Paula Anke
Mas de Vézénobres, Route de Loves, 30120 Le Vigan, France

Mobile : Berlin +49/(0) 178 401 20 84 or Le Vigan +33/(0)6 11 26 70 42
e-mail :